Thursday, November 05, 2015

Felician Motherhouse (Livonia)

St. Felix of Cantalice
Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska

The Congregation of Sisters of St. Felix Of Cantalice Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi (CSSF), was established in 1855 in Warsaw, Poland. The community borrows their name from St. Felix of Cantalice, a 16th Century Franciscan devoted to children.
Felician Motherhouse in Detroit SOURCE

In 1874, five sisters come to America and settled in  Polonia, Wisconsin, at the invitation of Fr. Joseph DabrowskiThe Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province was transferred to Detroit in 1882. They established a motherhouse directly across the street from St. Albertus Church, the first Polish-American parish in the area. A convent, orphanage, and Felician Academy, an all-girl high school, were all housed in the same building. Felicians would also teach at St. Stanislaus, St. Josaphat, and other Polish-heritage parishes.

The Felician motherhouse later moved to Livonia in 1936 but the Felician Academy remained until 1967. What remained of the convent was burned down on November 3, 1969, and was later replaced by apartments.


The cornerstone of the Livonia motherhouse is dated to 1935 and features an inscription that translates to "God is my all."

The building was designed in a Neo-Renaissance style, with elements of the Byzantine Revival, and completed in 1936.

A large crucifix stands near the main door.

Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, foundress of the Felicians, is portrayed in the narthex across from Our Lady of Częstochowa.


The Sanctus or "holy, holy, holy" is inscribed along the front of the baldachin. Images of the evangelists line the four surrounding pillars.

The Holy Spirit is depicted in the dome above the altar.

Side altars dedicated to St. Joseph (left) and St. Felix (right).

A circular window above the main doorway repeats the phrase "God is my all" and features the Franciscan Coat of Arms: the crossed hands of Jesus and Francis.

Scriptural symbols are seen throughout the stained-glass windows.

Stations of the Cross are embedded in the walls

The Agnus Dei is depicted in the gates of the altar rail

Woodwork details adorn the confessionals

Mass is at 7:30am, Monday-Saturday, and 9:00am on Sundays.

For more info: | Wikipedia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a wonderful and peaceful place. It brought me back to a youth that was much the same. Mass on Sunday, dinner with family and a heavy helping of kapusta, kielbasa and paczki.
