Saturday, March 12, 2016

St. Patrick's Day + St. Joseph's Day celebrations

St. Patrick's Day on March 17
Most Holy Trinity Church, 1050 Porter Street, Detroit, MI 48226
Thursday, March 17, Noon

10:30am Church opens
11:00am  Music prelude
Noon  Mass celebrated by Archbishop Vigneron

I've been to this Mass a couple of times before and it's always beyond capacity, get there early if you can. They usually have honor guards from the Detroit Police & Fire Departments, Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hibernians, etc.

For more info: parish bulletin


St. Joseph's Day on March 19
St. Josaphat Church, 715 E. Canfield Street, Detroit, MI 48201
Saturday, March 19, 7:30am-8:00pm


St. Joseph Church normally celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph, their patronal feast, with a day of prayer. However, the church is temporarily closed for repairs. As such, the St. Joseph's Day festivities will take place at nearby St. JOSAPHAT.

Included in the 12 hours of prayer with 4 Masses, the last one fulfilling Sunday obligation. Also included are guided church tours, opportunities for Confession, public recitation of the Rosary, Italian dinners and much more.

St. Joseph Italian Meal in the St. Josaphat Social Hall (adjacent to the main parking lot) from 12:30 - 5 pm. Tickets at the door $12 each, $6 for children 8 and under.
Continental Breakfast 8:30 - 10 am, and Dessert Reception following the evening Candlelight Procession.

All day in the Social Hall: the beautiful St. Joseph's Altar, Bake Sale for the Parish Food Pantry, and Gift Shop. Donations of non-perishable food for our Parish Food Pantry will be gratefully accepted at the St. Joseph’s Altar.

Throughout the day in St. Josaphat Church: Masses, Confession, Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Prayers and Devotions, Church Tours, two Presentations which are part of the March 18-20 Lenten Divine Mercy Parish Mission, and Candlelight Procession. 

Schedule of Masses & Lenten Divine Mercy Mission Presentations:
8 am: Latin Novus Ordo Sung Mass
10 am: Lenten Divine Mercy Mission Presentation by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC
11 am: English Sung Mass celebrated by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC with the St. Joseph Cappella
2 pm: Spanish Sung Mass celebrated by Bishop Donald Hanchon with the St. Joseph Women’s Schola
5 pm: Lenten Divine Mercy Mission Presentation by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

6 pm: Latin Extraordinary Form Sung Mass with the St. Joseph Cappella

For info: parish website + facebook event


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