Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

Below is a Mass schedule for Ash Wednesday in Detroit and Hamtramck. All Masses are English Novus Ordo unless otherwise noted.


All Saints
Bilingual Mass at 12:30pm and 6:00pm
313-841-1428 | bulletin
7824 W Fort St., Detroit, MI 48209


Assumption Grotto
7:30am (Tridentine), Noon, 7:00pm (Tridentine)
313-372-0762 | website | bulletin
13770 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 48205


Blessed John Paul II
313-305-7394  | bulletin
Three locations:
St. Ladislaus Church
2730 Caniff, Hamtramck, MI 48212
St. Louis the King Church
9:00am (Polish)
18891 St. Louis Ave., Detroit, MI 48234
Transfiguration Church
5830 Simon K, Detroit, MI 48212


Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
313-865-6300 | bulletin
9844 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202


Christ the King
8:30am and 7:00pm
313-532-1211 | website | bulletin
2080 Grand River, Detroit, MI 48219


Corpus Christi
8:30am and 7:00pm
313-537-5770 | website
19800 Pembroke, Detroit, MI 48219


6:30am and 5:30pm
313-862-4400 | website | bulletin
17180 Oak Dr., Detroit, MI 48221


Good Shepherd
6:30pm Mass at Stapleton Center Chapel (across the street from the church)
313-822-1262 | website | bulletin
1265 Parkview, Detroit, MI 48214


Holy Cross (Hungarian) Parish
9:00am and 6:00pm
313-842-1133 | website
8423 South St., Detroit, MI 48209


Most Holy Redeemer
Spanish Mass: 7:15am, 4:00pm, 6:00pm, 8:00pm
English Mass: 8:30am, Noon
Confessions: 4:00pm–8:00pm
313-842-3450 | bulletin
1721 Junction, Detroit, MI 48209 


Most Holy Trinity
Noon and 7:00pm
1050 Porter St., Detroit, MI 48226-2405


Nativity of Our Lord
Noon and 6:30 — both in the basement chapel
313-922-0033 | website
5900 McClellan, Detroit, MI 48213


Our Lady of the Rosary
313-875-2719 | website
5930 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48202


Our Lady Queen of Apostles
313-891-1520 | bulletin
3851 Prescott, Hamtramck, MI 48212


Our Lady Queen of Angels
7:00pm (Spanish)
313-841-0783 | bulletin
4200 Martin St., Detroit, MI 48210


Our Lady Queen of Heaven
11:30am and 5:30pm
313-891-4553 | bulletin
8200 Rolyat, Detroit, MI 48234


Sacred Heart
Noon and 6:00pm
313-831-1356 | website
1000 Eliot, Detroit, MI 48207


St. Aloysius
12:15pm (Archbishop Vigneron to celebrate)
1234 Washington Blvd., Detroit, MI 48226-1825


Ste. Anne de Detroit
Noon (English) and 7:00pm (English & Spanish)
313-496-1701 | website | bulletin
1000 Sainte Anne St., Detroit, MI 48216


SS. Andrew & Benedict
313-381-1184 | website | bulletin
2430 South Beatrice, Detroit, MI 48217


St. Augustine & St. Monica
8:00am Holy Hour, 9:00am Mass, 10am–7pm Fish Fry, 6:00pm Mass
313-921-4107 | website
4151 Seminole St., Detroit, MI 48214


St. Charles Borromeo
10:30am and 7:00pm
313-331-0253 | website
1491 Baldwin St., Detroit, MI 48214


St. Charles Lwanga (St. Cecelia site)
9:00am and 6:00pm
10400 Stoepel St., Detroit, MI 48204


St. Christopher
Mass and ashes at 8:30am and 10:00am; Ashes only, no Mass, at Noon 
313-584-7460 | website | bulletin
7800 Woodmont Ave., Detroit, MI 48228


St. Cunegunda
313-843-4717 | bulletin
5900 St. Lawrence, Detroit, MI 48210


St. Elizabeth
3138 East Canfield, Detroit, MI 48207


St. Florian
Noon (English) and 6:30pm (Polish)
313-871-2778 | website | bulletin
2626 Poland St., Hamtramck, MI 48212


St. Francis D'Assisi
313-894-5409 | bulletin
4500 Wesson, Detroit, MI 48210


St. Gabriel
Liturgy of the Word, in Spanish, followed by ashes: 7:00am, 8:30am, Noon
Spanish Mass: 7:00pm
313-841-0753 | website | bulletin
8118 West Vernor, Detroit, MI 48209


St. Hedwig 
6:00pm Stations, 7:00pm Mass (Spanish & English)
313-894-5409 | bulletin
3245 Junction, Detroit, MI 48210


St. Hyacinth
313-922-1507 | bulletin | website
3151 Farnsworth, Detroit, MI 48211


St. Joseph
12:15pm; 7:00pm (Tridentine)
313-831-6659 | website
1828 Jay St., Detroit, MI 48207


St. Jude
8:30am and 7:00pm
313-527-0380 | website | bulletin
15889 East Seven Mile, Detroit, MI 48205


St. Mary of Redford
Noon and 7:00pm
313-273-1100 | website | bulletin
14750 Saint Marys St., Detroit, MI 48227


(Old) St. Mary (Greektown)
12:15pm and 5:30pm
313-961-8711 | website bulletin
646 Monroe, Detroit, MI 48226


St. Matthew
9:00am and 7:00pm
6021 Whittier, Detroit, MI 48224


St. Moses the Black
1125 Oakman, Detroit, MI 48238


S.S. Peter & Paul (Jesuit)
313-961-8077 | bulletin | website
438 Saint Antoine St., Detroit, MI 48226 


S.S. Peter & Paul (west side)
9:00am (English), 7:00pm (English & Polish)
313-846-2222 | website | bulletin
7685 Grandville, Detroit, MI 48228


St. Peter Claver
313-342-5292 | website | bulletin
10600 Fenkell, Detroit, MI 48238 


St. Philomena
9:00am and 7:00pm
313-882-4300 | bulletin
4281 Marseilles, Detroit, MI 48224


St. Raymond—Our Lady of Good Counsel
313-527-0525 | website
20103 Joann, Detroit, MI 48205


St. Scholastica
8:00am and 7:00pm
313-531-0140 | website
17320 Rosemont, Detroit, MI 48219


St. Stephen/Mary Mother of the Church
7:00pm (Spanish)
313-841-0783 | bulletin
4329 Central, Detroit, MI 48210


St. Suzanne/Our Lady Gate of Heaven
313-838-6780 | bulletin
9357 Westwood, Detroit, MI 48228


St. Thomas Aquinas
4:00pm (English) and 7:00pm (Spanish)
313-271-3266 | website | bulletin
5780 Evergreen, Detroit, MI 48228


Sweetest Heart of Mary
6:00pm (Bishop Reiss to celebrate)
313-831-6659 | website
4440 Russell, Detroit, MI 48207


Please comment on any errors or additions.

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