Many bishops, priests, and vowed religious are interred at Holy Sepulchre.

Felician Sisters, Religious Sisters of Mercy, Basilian Fathers, Little Sisters of the Poor, Franciscan friars, Congregation of Christian Brothers, PIME Missionary Fathers, Carmelite Sisters, the Society of Mary (Marists), Dominican friars and nuns, Daughters of Divine Charity, and others.

Many figures from the Detroit Tigers are buried at Holy Sepulchre. Two former owners of the team, Frank Navin and Walter Briggs, respectively, are

Much of the Fisher family, owners of Fisher Body Co., rest in the cemetery and mausoleum.

The main mausoleum was built in 1950. A shrine to Our Lady of Grace stands near the main entrance; Our Lady of Lourdes in a niche.

There are three chapels in the mausoleum. The primary chapel is situated at the center of the mausoleum.

Two other chapels on the west end of the mausoleum. Christ the King is on the top floor and Mary, Queen of Heaven is on the bottom floor.

Shrines to Our Lady of Fatima and St. Joseph, respectively, in the lower-level of the mausoleum.

Several saints stand atop graves in the middle of the lower-level.

A large columbaria takes up much of the lower level.

Many private crypts have been customized with different pieces of sacred art.

The mausoleum is divided into dozens of sections and corridors. Many of these corridors have stained-glass windows that depict the scenes of the Gospel.

Other corridors feature depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

More info: Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services + Wikipedia