Solemn First Vespers for the Feast of St Therese of Liseux at Shrine of the Little Flower Royal Oak Auxiliary Bishop Arturo Cepeda will be in attendance and giving a homily. 7pm Friday Sept 30th. A reception will follow.
St. Hyacinth Banana Festival! I've never been to this one, but I'm sure it's awesome based on this cut and paste flyer.
I'd like to let you all know about an upcoming event which promises to be fun and will help support historic St. Joseph in Detroit: Oktoberfest 2011
What can you do at Oktoberfest?
Enjoy delicious German food (various sausages, saur kraut, pickled beets, strudel, etc), beer, and wine. There will also be pop and cake and other delights. Enjoy diverse styles of music.
German Accordian music (and some Polkas too) by Herb Langegger
German Folk Dancing (Carpathia Dance Ensemble)
Choral Festival in the Church featuring Renaissance Voices, Assumption Grotto Choir, and the St. Joseph's Men's Schola.
David Zakria Band
Tour the church and/or go to Holy Mass
10am Sunday Mass in German
12pm Sunday Mass in English
5pm Saturday and Sunday Guided tours of the church
There is also a raffle with some nice prizes including an Autographed Miguel Cabrera Jersey and dinner for 2 at any Restaurant in the area! Tickets are $1 or 6 got $5. Ask a parishioner if you would like to buy some.