I will share a few photos of St. Joseph decorated for Christmas.

Merry Christmas!
Renaissance Vicariate
Southwest Vicariate (Vicariate page with addresses and links)
Trinity Vicariate: (Links to all parish websites or AOD info page with address)
Building on Faith: The Historic Churches of Detroit – Immigrants who built the churches took inspiration from the architecture in their homeland and incorporated that into their new houses of worship. Artistic expression, celebration of heritage and dedication to the community around them are how these people built on faith and affected the fabric of the city itself.
- Tuesday, December 27th at 1pm
- Thursday, December 29th at 10:30am
Michigan Technical Academy leases two buildings from the Archdiocese of Detroit (the Academy also owns a third building in Redford).The Academy is purchasing one of these buildings at 19940 Mansfield, Detroit, 48235, and constructing an addition to that building. The addition will permit the Academy to terminate the lease at the second facility, transfer its students and consolidate operations to begin the 2012-13 school year.This won't be the first parish to be converted to a charter school, and it probably will not be the last.
In 1876, [Reverend Amandus Vandendriessche, pastor] visited Lourdes to make his devotions to Our Lady and he was so inspired that he resolved to build a replica of the Grotto of Lourdes behind the church so that his fellow Americans could worship at an outdoor shrine. Despite many obstacles, the Grotto was formally dedicated on May 29, 1881. On April 30, 1882, Pope Leo XIII signed a proclamation authorizing the shrine for devotions and granted partial and plenary indulgences for all who visited the Grotto and prayed for the propagation of the faith. This privilege remains.An active parishioner, Diane K, keeps a blog of current Catholic events as well as photos from parish events and masses. The blog is Te Deum Laudamus. I'll be posting my own photos here, but for more of this church, see her Smugmug page.